Last modified: 2024-10-15

Auto-Populating Data via Field Mappings

A Field Mapping is an object that enables the following features:

  • Insert: This feature copies a value of a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM field (e.g., Street Address) into a corresponding field of a OneSpan Sign document when a transaction is being prepared. That data can then be retrieved from the signed document. The data in question can be either data about a signer, or data about a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM "related entity".

    The relevant OneSpan Sign field must exist before you can insert a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM value into it. You can create the required OneSpan Sign field by using a Text Tag.

  • Writeback: This feature copies a value of a OneSpan Sign field (e.g., Street Address) into a corresponding OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM field. Using it, data entered by signers during the Signer Experience can be written back into OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM fields, based on Field Mappings defined when the transaction is completed.

    The Writeback feature is disabled by default.

The rest of this section describes:

Inserting CRM Signer Data into OneSpan Sign Fields

The following procedure illustrates how to insert into OneSpan Sign documents CRM data from a signer's record (for example, data about a CRM  user, contact, or lead).

In particular, it describes how to insert into a OneSpan Sign transaction the address of a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM contact who is also a signer.

To insert a CRM contact’s address into a OneSpan Sign transaction:

Creating a Convention

  1. Click the OneSpan Sign Convention tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a name for the new Convention, and click Save.

Creating a Field Mapping

  1. On the Field Mapping related list, click +, and give a name to the mapping.
  2. In the Mapping Type drop-down list, select Signer.
  3. In the OneSpan Sign Document Field Reference section, provide an OneSpan Sign Field Name.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Dynamics CRM Entity Field section, choose the desired entity. In this case, the entity is Contact. A list of the contact’s fields appears on the right.
  6. Choose the field to be mapped to a OneSpan Sign field (e.g., the contact's City).
  7. Click Add Field Reference.
  8. Ensure that the Insert option box is checked when the field is added. This enables the system to insert data from the OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM entity’s field into the OneSpan Sign documents.
  9. Click Save to save the field mapping.
  10. Repeat Steps 5-9 to create a new field mapping for each address field (City, Zip Code, etc.).
  11. Click Activate.

Creating and Auto-Populating a Transaction

  1. Create a OneSpan Sign transaction (giving it a name).
  2. Click Save.
  3. Optionally, choose Account as Related Object Type.
  4. In the Convention section of Advanced Options, click Lookup and choose the Convention created previously
  5. Add documents to the transaction, and add the contact as a signer.
  6. Click Prepare. The Designer appears in a dialog box.
  7. Add a Signature Block for the contact.
  8. To display more options, click the gear icon on the right side of the Signature Block. Then click the + sign to add fields.
  9. The list of available fields appears. Click text field to add a text field.
  10. To display more options, click the gear icon on the right side of the text field. Then click Settings to see the field settings.
  11. Give a name to the Convention Field Names, which are displayed on the left side of the Designer. Then click Save.
  12. Repeat Steps 7-11 for each of the Convention's fields.
  13. When finished, close the overlay and click Send.
  14. The transaction will be sent. When the transaction is complete, its signed documents should contain the contact's address. After performing this procedure, that address in OneSpan Sign documents will have been auto-populated directly from OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM.

Inserting CRM Related-Entity Data into OneSpan Sign Fields

The following procedure illustrates how to insert into OneSpan Sign documents CRM data from a record linked to a OneSpan Sign transaction entity.

In particular, it describes how to insert an address from an Account record into a OneSpan Sign transaction.

To insert a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM Account’s address into a OneSpan Sign transaction:

Creating a Convention

  1. Click the OneSpan Sign Convention tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a name for the new Convention, and then click Save.

Creating a Field Mapping

  1. On the Field Mapping related list, click +, and give a name to the mapping.
  2. In the Mapping Type drop-down list, select Related Entity.
  3. In the OneSpan Sign Document Field Reference section, give the OneSpan Sign field name.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the Dynamics CRM Entity Field section, choose the desired object. In this case, the entity is Account. A list of the Account’s fields appears to the right.
  6. Choose the field to be mapped (e.g., the Account's City).
  7. If the type of entity property is an object, the property value may not be successfully injected. For example, Contact ->

  8. Click Add Field Reference.
  9. Ensure that the Insert option box is checked when the field is added. This will enable the system to insert data from the OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM object’s field into the OneSpan Sign documents.
  10. Click Save to save the field mapping.
  11. Repeat Steps 5-9 to create a new field mapping for each address field (City, Zip Code, etc.).
  12. Click Activate.

Creating and Auto-Populating a Transaction

  1. Create a OneSpan Sign transaction (giving it a name).
  2. Click Save.
  3. From the Related Entity drop-down menu, select Account.
  4. Click Lookup to choose the Account record
  5. In the Convention section of Advanced Options, click Lookup and choose the Convention created previously.
  6. Add documents and signers to the transaction.
  7. Click Prepare. The Designer page appears. Add your Signature Blocks.
  8. To display more options, click the gear icon on the right side of the Signature Block. Then click the + sign to add fields.
  9. Click Settings to see the field settings. The list of available fields appears.
  10. Click Text Field to add a text field.
  11. To display more options, click the gear icon on the right side of the text field.
  12. Type the name of the desired Convention field name. These field names are displayed on the left side of the overlay. Then click Save.
  13. Repeat Steps 9-12 for each Convention field.
  14. Close the Designer. Then click Send to send the transaction.
  15. When the transaction is complete, its signed documents should contain the Account's address. With this procedure, the address in OneSpan Sign documents will be auto-populated directly from OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM.

Updating CRM Fields with OneSpan Sign Data (Writeback)

A Field Mapping's Write Back feature can update data in OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM fields from OneSpan Sign documents.

For example, suppose that: (1) a signer notices during the Signer Experience that his address is wrong in a OneSpan Sign transaction document; (2) the signer corrects his address in that document.

If that OneSpan Sign address is mapped to a field of a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM related entity, and the Write Back option has been checked for that mapping, when the OneSpan Sign transaction is complete, the updated address will be written into the OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM field.

The data to be written back into OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM must be entered during the Signer Experience.

To update a CRM field with data from a OneSpan Sign document when the associated transaction is completed:

  1. Select the Write Back option for the associated Field Mapping.
  2. When the OneSpan Sign transaction is complete, verify that the data updated during the Signer Experience appears in the associated OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM field.
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